
WhereThe Beehive
Harborough Road
ContactRuth Hughes-Rowlands
Tracey Redwood

All our Northampton Cafe Scientifique talks are hosted by the Centre for Health Sciences and Services

Upcoming Cafe Scientifique event

Menopause wellbeing project: exploring the effects of moderate exercise on sleep in menopausal women

Thursday 19 September, 5 – 6.30pm
The Bee Hive, Harborough Road, Northampton NN2 8LR

To kick start our 24/25 Café Scientifique programme of events, Associate Prof. Dr Tracey Redwood, University of Northampton will present the findings of the Menopause Wellbeing Project. This pilot project aimed to encourage female UON staff of menopausal age to increase their physical activity, improve sleep quality, and manage the effects of menopause. Participants used Fitbits connected to phone apps over three months and were challenged to achieve 10,000 steps per day or 70,000 steps per week. Those involved took part in pre- and post-project focus groups, completed surveys and kept weekly diaries to provide a comprehensive and holistic picture of their health and wellbeing.

Tracey leads the Centre for Health Sciences and Services at UON. Her research interests are diverse, and she has been inspired by the participants determination throughout the project. The staff, from both professional and academic services “embraced this project, created increased awareness and benefitted often in ways they had not anticipated”. 

Come along and find out more by registering at:
Refreshments will be available to purchase.

Previous events

Dr Hilda Hayo – The Dementia Challenge

The first Cafe Scientifique event in Northampton took place on Thursday 31st October 2019. We were delighted that it was delivered by Dr Hilda Hayo, Chief Admiral Nurse & CEO for Dementia UK.

This inaugural talk, titled:  The Dementia Challenge 2018-2020, focused on:

• prevalence of dementia
• the implications of a rise in the number of people living with dementia
• what Dementia UK and Admiral Nurses do
• evaluation of the effectiveness of Admiral Nursing services

Dr Declan Ryan – The Sitting Disease

Our second talk was from Dr Declan Ryan, Exercise Physiologist, who spoke about ‘The Sitting Diseaseand the effects it could have on our health as we enter older age.

Dubbed the ‘New Smoking’ and the ‘Sitting Disease’ by the media, the health effects of prolonged sitting have grabbed the headlines in recent months. Dr Declan Ryan, an expert in sitting research, talked about how this new focus on sitting within health research came about. Declan highlighted some of the surprising health statistics related to prolonged sitting and asked our audience to share what tactics they have to prevent the ‘Sitting Disease’ from getting a hold of you.


Prof Jeff Ollerton – Pollinators & Pollination: Nature and Society          Thursday 25 June

In June we held our first Virtual Cafe Scientifique where Prof Jeff Ollerton, (Professor of biodiversity, University of Northampton) drew on his experiences of field work in South America, Africa, Australia, the Canary Islands and the UK, to offer a unique and personal insight into the science of pollinators and pollination, aimed at anyone who was interested in understanding these fascinating and crucial ecological interactions.

Jeff, one of the world’s leading pollination ecologists also examined how individuals and organisations can support pollinators?

If you would like to view this event please visit: Pollinators and Pollination: Nature and Society

Prof Jeff Ollerton – Biodiversity Blog and book offer

Dr Inga Stewart & Dr Alessandra Girardi – Using technology to support individuals living with dementia. Thursday 22 October

Our second online event looked at how technology can support people living with dementia and their carers. Due to safety concerns, access to a wide range of relevant and personalised activities in secure care settings may be limited.

Dr Inga Stewart, Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Dr Alessandra Girardi from St Andrew’s Healthcare discussed the challenges and benefits of technology in mental health care. Case studies describing exposure to virtual reality environments and interactions with digital journals were presented.

If you would like to view this event please visit: Using technology to support individuals living with dementia

Dr Federico Farini – Friendship, trust, diversity:children’s experiences in the classroom. Thursday 25 February 2021

The classroom can be a small but nevertheless complex social world of friendship, mutual trust between children and teachers, school-families relationships and the impact of linguistic and cultural differences. A European Research Project examines the intersection between these layers of social experience and how it affects children and adults.

Dr Federico Farini, a childhood and youth sociologist talked about data from the first part of Child Up. Federico has been leading the design and evaluation of action-research projects committed to promoting young people’s well-being for 15 years, working with Local Authorities, National Governments and the European Commission. Recently he was awarded two large research projects on the integration of migrant children in education systems across Europe.

If you would like to view this event please visit: Friendship, trust, diversity: children’s experiences in the classroom

The first Café Scientifque of the academic year presented by Dr Natasha Bayes, Research Assistant in Public Health, University of Northampton. Over the last few years Tash has been speaking with holiday clubs across the UK to find out what role they play in not only filling children’s hungry bellies, but to provide opportunities to offer a space which nurtures their emotional, intellectual, and nutritional needs, and how these organisations interact with government policy to support the health and wellbeing of young people from disadvantaged communities.

Tash shared some of these insights as well as some missed opportunities that could be tapped into to maximise the chances of meeting the health and wellbeing needs of our children and young people.

Hadiza Azi – Underutilisation of Maternal Healthcare Services in Bauchi, Nigeria: exploring the limiting factors. Thursday 25 May

Our last Café Scientifque of the academic year was presented by Hadiza Azi, Associate Lecturer in Public Health, University of Northampton.
The continent of Africa is affected more than any other. Africa is home to 17 of the 20 nations with the highest rates of maternal mortality in the world. Nigeria is one of the six nations contributing over 50% of maternal mortality worldwide. Maternal outcomes are poor in Nigeria, with a low rate (36%) of women’s delivery in Western maternal healthcare centres.
Hadiza’s discussion will explore the factors contributing to the
underutilisation of maternal healthcare services among reproductive
women in Bauchi state, Nigeria, leading to high maternal mortality.
Refreshments will be available to purchase.

Underutilisation of Maternal Health Care Services in Bauchi State, Nigeria: Exploring the Limiting Factors

Dr Stephen Zingwe – Lived experiences of career progression for senior leaders from a Black and Minority Ethnic background in the NHS. Thursday 2 November

Presented by Dr Stephen Zingwe, Head of Research and Innovation, Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.
Stephen’s discussion centred on his study about the lived experiences of career progression for senior leaders from a Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) background employed in the National Health Service (NHS) Trusts based in the South of England. The aim of the study was to understand how participants make sense of their career progression journeys and to understand their perceived barriers.
Dr Zingwe, driven by equality and passion for positive patient outcomes, takes pride in ensuring all healthcare staff, regardless of their background, reach their maximum potential in providing healthcare services in the NHS, along with ensuring all patients are offered research opportunities.